PGCon2011 - Add 4 Video (2015.09.18)

PGCon 2011
The PostgreSQL Conference

Event Speakers

9.1 Mystery Tour

What's in the upcoming version

Track : 9.1 Features

Distributing Extensions on PGXN

Optimal PGXN exposure via Smart distribution packaging

Event type : Lecture
Track : 9.1 Features
Language used for presentation : English

Extensions Development

both of the feature and developments using it

Event type : Lecture
Track : 9.1 Features
Language used for presentation : English

Label Based Mandatory Access Control on PostgreSQL

Event type : Lecture
Track : 9.1 Features
Language used for presentation : English

Serializable Snapshot Isolation in Postgres

Making ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE Provide Serializable Isolation

Event type : Lecture
Track : 9.1 Features
Language used for presentation : English

Writeable CTEs

A Revolution in SQL

Event type : Lecture
Track : 9.1 Features
Language used for presentation : English